Sunday 7 October 2007

Xi'an from above (6'5" up anyway)

Taken out for a wonder around the centre of Xi'an today. Xi'an's centre is a big waller rectangular area (about 8.5km circumference) jam packed with stuff. You think some of the shops along oxford street are packed together close and spilling out onto the pavement - try the market in the muslim quarter over here.

Anyway, was too busy staring most of the time to take some photos but thought id give you a glimpse of what the place is like.

cool buidlings

If I remember correctly this is the entrance to the arts market

out the window where we are staying - our place looks like these from the outside

Just a note, I can only seem to make new posts at the moment but can't get my blog to upload so I can look at it. So if the formatting comes out a bit strange, ill sort this as soon as I work out how to say... how much for internet cafe?

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