Thursday 27 September 2007

Do you know what your doing?

Yes I do. Well, I know what I am supposed to be doing when I arrive. Ever heard of IELTS or international english language tests?

Students from all over the place wishing to study in the Europe and the US take these tests; on the strength which they get a place on their course or not. My job will be to prepare Chinese students for these tests and for the weird and wonderful world of western culture.

Can anyone suggest films about living in london that don't involve rage infested zombies, football violence including vinnie jones, or hugh grant stuttery his way into someones bed?*

*however if anyone comes up with a film involving all three I am ready to watch


Anonymous said...

mike leigh's "high hopes" is a good one. I'm sure there's some other mike leigh ones but I can't think of any right now.

James said...

thank you, it's appreciated

Anonymous said...

Hey James, it's great that you have a blog and you haven't stopped updating it yet! Sounds like you have a fantastic time ahead of you so all the best and keep us all updated with it. As for British films, I'm a through and through fan of Hugh so no can do with suggestions... although 'Sweet Sixteen' sums up the life of a Scottish teenager from the west coast whos mum is about to get out of prison... he turns to drugs and people get hurt. Maybe not eh?! Hugh Grant doesn't sound so bad now does he! ;)