The forbidden city
Tianamen Square
Sweet Potatoe Salesman (with cool on the move weighing scales) and KFmrLees?
Oh and the reason for the title...
the following are the chinese characters for beijing (yeah a tree and an elephant with a hat).
Exploring China
Volunteering in China
Hey James, I finally remembered to look up your blog. Really great reading about the whole experience. How long will you be over until? I'm sure you'll continue to have an amzing time. Anna x
Hi James, Liam here. Am very sorry that I have not been in touch. Been such a busy time since you left, and …er… I kind of managed to completely miss the fact that you had actually started a blog to document your trip. But not to worry, fortunately Ross was able to remind me and on his third attempt of explaining the concept of a blog to me, including pictures and finger puppets, the penny dropped.
Will take me a little while to scope through your already fascinating pictures and tales from the East so not too much to comment on at the moment, although the Halloween pics are already standing out as an excellent potential source of future ridicule ;-) .
Oh, one little interesting piece of news from home - Do you remember the Red Dot design team from the SIE weekend, they were that Glasgow Uni Trio, (Nick, James and Amanda) that were working on a water purification and transportation device for impoverished nations? Well they were just on Dragon’s Den and did really, really well. In fact so well that as the Dragon’s could not agree on who should get to fund the project, they agreed that they would each contribute £10K for a 2% share, surely one of the best results anyone has achieved. Just wish I could have see a Strathclyder up their doing that.
- and yes by Strathclyder I mean me.
Anyhu, all the best and safe travels, got any Christmas plans yet?
All the best, Liam.
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