What the hell am I doing? I'm not covered in Bee's, just at the top of a mountain with ridiculously steep sides. Huashan has a reputation for being the most dangerous mountains in the world (100 deaths a year.. tip if someone fell off 3 days ago, today is a bad day to visit). But they have improved the paths, put in railings (in most places) and there is even an austrian cable car up to the north peak now. Still, you couldn't help wondering.
But it was beautiful, a gorgeous day despite forecasts of fog and clouds and well... take a look.

The red ribbons are for luck, the paddlocks are left by visitors to the mountain (get your name engraved on your padlock for 20yuan) for good luck also. The golden gate up near the north peak has something to do with it.

It did take three buses to get us to the cable cars, which was slightly bizare. We caught a bus, to catch a bus to get tickets to get on a bus to...