Friday 18 January 2008

Chinese Blues

Passing a bar - minor chord - 30 seconds from my hostel I heard a small band playing. I figure why not and go in and have a beer. Talk to the barstaff in chinese and english (mostly english) then talk to some of the people playing up on the miniture stage. They had great voices, good drummers and nice guitar work. They spoke next to no english so it was up to me to use my chinese, but we talked some and drank some.

Then a battered looking harmonica held together with wire was produced by one of them and I gave them a quick demo. I haven't played for 4 months but they were impressed and we had a jam on stage. It was a lot of fun though I couldn't get across the concept of one last time, so they didn't stop and round we went again with another 12 bar phrase.

After a slow and a quick i let them get on with it and sat and watched. They really were great, one guy from denmark or similar asked me to let them know how good they were and it was a great night.

Thanks the guys from Yunnan.

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