Thursday 15 November 2007

Ni Jiao Shenme Mingzi?

James or thanks to my students, Tian Ying Hua 田英华 aka Field (family name translates directly into a surname) Ying - england, Hua - abrv* for China. So English Chinese good relations basically. A tad on the girly side, seeing as Hua said with another tone means flower... but I can live with that. And yes, I can write my name.

*abrv is an abbreviation by the way; but you have to guess what for.


RS said...


Well, according to the translator on the computer 田英华 means "the field is beautiful". 田 is "field", 英华 is "beautiful", and 华 is "China".

I hope for more updates soon.

James said...

sif it was a sentence it might translate like that. Ying 英 on its own can mean quite a few things, England or Hero for example. 华 again means several things. As far as I know 田 is always field but if you add parts to it you can change it to farmer, rice field etc.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
