A reason to put Hiroshima onto your plan in Japan is Miyajima, one of the three best scenic spots in the country (the previous view expressed is not that of the blogger, just the tourist guide map you get at the door). It is good, an island with superlative views from the top of the hills, shrines, monkeys and more.
Another is if you have Japanese friend`s in Hiroshima that meet you on arrival at the airport and let you stay over - not for just one night but the whole time you are there. Top class accomodation and hospitality, sleep in a traditional room on the 15th and also top floor of an appartment block.
I have become used to eating some slightly strange food while I have been travelling. Jelly fish, duck neck (nibbled rather than eaten) "a" chicken foot and now from Miyajima some raw oysters. Okonomyaky (spelling maybe inaccurate and should be confirmed before copying) tastes delicious and is a speciality of Hiroshima.
My Japanese hosts, Miki and Masao, also sampled some famous "Sheppard`s Pie" cooked by my own simple self for a small dinner party they had. A highlight of my trip as it was enjoyed.
thanks M+M
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